The Blue Bike Team

Jodie Peters: Art Director - A lifelong learner with more than 25 years designing print, digital, and non-traditional media in in-house, agency, and independent consulting roles. 

Maggie Moran: Lead Consultant - an advocate for equity, diversity and inclusion, Maggie brings five-star customer service and management skills to Blue Bike.

Alicia Tulloch-Leistner: Project Management and Administration - Alicia is the backbone of the operational function, keeping our project systems updated and ensuring all of our administrative tasks are completed seamlessly.

Annie Hunt: Project Management - Annie has worked with me for nearly eight years doing all. the. things. as my putter-outer-of fires, project manager, consultant, finder of new clients, and sounding board as we have grown together.

Holly Harper: Advisor/Consultant - Offering more than a dozen years supporting service-based business with comprehensive strategic marketing consultation, implementation, and content as they transform and grow.

our mission

WE turn ideas into action plans, helping clients take confident steps toward their desired destination. Our clients feel empowered and secure in their decisions and can measure their progress. 
